When is the right time to have a baby?

Hello guys!

I sit here breastfeeding my son and contemplating my life choices. There are days I wish I could turn back time and do some things differently but today isn't one of them. Today I sit here with no regrets! I don't regret my educational career. I don't reget picking to work at a desk job. I don't regret choosing the man I love to marry. And I definitely don't regret deciding to have a baby(even though it was a spontaneous decision).

Everyone has their own reason to wanting a baby. And for many, they choose to wait until they're ready to have a baby-be it financial, physical, mental or emotional.  This, in turn, could result in waiting to have a baby for years!

But who's to say when the right time to have a baby is. Personally, culturally, starting a family is engraved in our minds from an early age...and it's not a bad thing, as long as when one is ready, their reasoning as to wanting to have a baby shouldn't be family pressure but rather a personal readiness...Are you still reading? It's 12.01 AM right not and I'm about to ramble, so brace yourself for some editorial diarrhea.

When I learned I was pregnant, I felt so ready! LIKE SO SO READY! But once shit got real, with morning sickness and constipation and fatigue and just feeling like crap most of the time, I felt like maybe I wasn't ready.

In case you're wondering, I'm 26 years old. Technically, it's an optimum age to have a baby right?! I guess so. What am I trying to say? Do you guys read my blog? It's crazy how unready I felt but once I held my son in my arms, all my anxiety and fears were lifted and I gained some sort of strength. I knew that he was my responsibility and I felt the need to protect him and to give him whatever it is his little heart desired...even though he mostly just desired milk and to be cuddled! Which is tots cool b'cuz we're taking baby steps.

It's a fact that there are days I don't feel like I'm ready and I say to myself or to my husband, "Wth! We have a baby?! What were we thinking?!" Hahaha! But it's all in good light.

To know when you're ready to have a baby is totally dependant on the individual. As for myself, I've never felt more ready and I just wanna(yes I said wanna) shower him with kisses and cuddles and make him smile and laugh all day errday!

He's asleep now and I kinda wanna wake him up... hahaha! But no, I should call it a night as well! Shhhh!

Did you feel ready when you got pregnant?
Let me know in the comments!
Until next time my people,


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