"Are you still there mommy?"

Good evening guys!

I know it's been a while since I've written anything. To be honest, I haven't felt inspired. Writer's block some people might call it. But either way, I was simply demotivated from writing.

Until I was winding down this evening with my son. He was playing on his activity mat to let off his extra energy and I was enjoying some 'Modern Family' on TV!

And I noticed something. He does this all the time but I didn't pay much attention to it. My son would play with his gym and every once in a while, he'd look into my direction to make sure I'm still there. He reassures himself that I'm there and he continues on playing.
I then realized that usually, during the day, as I'm busy with house chores, he gets annoyed because I'm not by his side all the time. And the moment I'm back with him, he continues playing. A bit of a mommy's boy if you ask me, but I enjoy it.

He has reached a milestone in his tiny life, where he's embracing his independence, but at the same time, still need the reassurance that mommy's always with him. I find it really cute and in a way, makes me feel like I have a purpose, and the purpose is to help him when he needs my help, to make him laugh when he's sad, to feed him when he's hungry and so on. Basically my purpose is to be a parent to him!

I know within a blink of an eye, he'll be crawling and walking and growing, and before I know it, he might not want me to check on him... You know those things called teenage hormones! Anyway, I'm going to embrace it for now, and take one day at  a time.

Until next time.

Follow me on Youtube at ItsFiffysLife as I give tips on parenting! I do some crazy DIY's! I cook like a pro(well, the food tastes delicious and it looks kind of decent) and I create random videos!


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