When I said I'll put my 5 month old son on a sleep schedule, he said, "oh hell no!"

So, me and my 5 month old son have established some sort of a sleeping schedule. It's usually when he rubs his eyes, pulls his ears, yawns or starts the -oh so cute- whiny cry, that we both know he needs to sleep, and he needs to sleep fast! 

So I thought, hey! How about we start a sleeping schedule so that he sleeps or naps on the clock. That way, my chaotic lifestyle would have some predictability...at the very least, when it comes to his sleeping.

I still remember when he was just a few weeks old, after I thought I couldn't handle his crying anymore, we started having some kind of a sleep schedule. He would be asleep by about 10pm each night, which might seem late, but at the time, I thought it was a decent time for a few weeks old baby to hit the hay! Boy was I wrong! 

There was this one day, I'll never forget it. We call it the "Daylight Savings Night"! That was the night he taught me my first lesson of being a mother. It was "You don't tell me when to sleep mom!" We were all exhausted at home. All, meaning, my husband and I, and my parents who'd come to help us take care of him the first couple of weeks.

Our clocks had moved forward an hour and we blamed the clocks for his sleepless night. I kept on repeating to myself, "he always sleeps at 10pm the latest, why isn't he sleeping today?" And we all thought it was because the clocks had moved forward! Could it be that he knew? Ha! I don't think so. He kept us awake until about 4 in the morning that day...Good times! By the time he slept, we were all exhausted.

Looking back, he was probably going through a growth spurt or something, because after that night, for about a week or so, he decided he didn't want to sleep at 10pm anymore, and would always change his schedule! And so I learned, and I knew!

I knew that instead of stressing and trying to put him on a schedule, I'd rather go by his cues. Because truth be told, if he's not tired, there's really no point in me rocking him to sleep. Funny enough, what ends up happening is him looking at me and laughing as I hum and rock! And I end up laughing, and he thinks I'm making him laugh. Then we both end up in fits of laughter. Those are the mini moments that I love and enjoy about being a mother. So currently, we don't follow a set schedule, which kind of sucks, but works for us for now! Sometimes he'll go 2 hours then nap, and other times he can go up to 4 hours then nap. Looking forward to the days when he'll sleep through the night! I'll keep you posted guys!

Until next time,


Follow me on Youtube at ItsFiffysLife as I give tips on parenting! I do some crazy DIY's! I cook like a pro(well, the food tastes delicious and it looks kind of decent) and I create random videos!


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