My 5 month old son is not sitting yet!

Hi guys!

I know. I know. I shouldn't be obsessing over baby milestones! I know and understand that each baby grows differently and I'm totally fine with it. However, every once in a while, I can't help myself and I would wonder why he's still not sitting. He's a little over 5 months and according to research, this is around the time most babies start sitting. I also don't want him to grow so fast ( if that makes sense)! I try my best to be in the moment and to cherish each and every milestone with him.

I woke up this morning and I was laughing hysterically, because I found out why he hasn't started sitting. It's not because I don't give him enough tummy time. Because I do. It's not because I don't put him in a sitting position propped with pillows. Because I do. It's simply because he has reached the milestone I've been waiting for.

He has officially discovered his toes! And he loves them! He's always got his toes in his mouth or in his hands, playing and experimenting. And it's one of the cutest milestones I've ever seen!

So when I put him in a sitting position, he automatically goes for the fascination of things we call toes, and tries his best to put them in his mouth. This in turn, results in him either toppling over to the front, or him tipping to the right or the left, with his toes in his hands or mouth!

Therefore for now, I'm going to enjoy his toe-sucking milestone and embrace his sitting when he's ready to sit.

Until next time,

Follow me on Youtube at ItsFiffysLife as I give tips on parenting! I do some crazy DIY's! I cook like a pro(well, the food tastes delicious and it looks kind of decent) and I create random videos!


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