My 5 month old son has rolled over!

Hi guys!

So I sit here at 1am on a Thursday writing this! I don't think I can go back to sleep after what I have witnessed. My 5 month old son knows how to roll over but I think he's been kind of lazy to do so. I've had to give him a push everytime and he would easily roll to his stomach but rolling from his stomach was still a work in progress.

Tonight however, was different. We live in a one bedroom apartment and so our sons crib is literally next to our bed. It has definitely made our lives easier, no questions asked. And due to the crib being next to us, I was able to witness the most cutest and the most terrifying milestone at 1am.

I woke up as per usual from his fussing and breathing out loud, for his first night feed. And when I turned, he was lying on his back and he was playing with the railing of his crib!

I quickly woke my husband up to witness this milestone as he works really hard and misses the firsts of many. And he turns and sleepily says,"Yeah you're fucked!"

Fucked indeed I am! (As Yoda would say)
I'm definitely so proud of this milestone and I'm so emotional right now because just yesterday I was wondering why he hasn't started sitting up. And tonight he has assured me yet again that he will do everything in his own damn time! Haha!

Oh shit! This means I have to be more alert now during play time. Maybe I should bring that crib bumper back to his crib! You should watch my Youtube video of all the stuff I bought thinking I'd use them but didn't. Crib bumpers was one of them! I feel so stupid now! Bumper might just be back on!

... I should stop blogging at 1am!
... Omg I'm so happy!

Until next time,

P.s. Yes, my son sleeps on his stomach. I'm very much aware of SIDS but it's the only way he goes to sleep for long. If I place him on his back, he's awake in minutes due to reflux.

Follow me on Youtube at ItsFiffysLife as I give tips on parenting! I do some crazy DIY's! I cook like a pro(well, the food tastes delicious and it looks kind of decent) and I create random videos!


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