My 5 month old son has officially started eating solids!

Hi guys,

I hope you're all having a lovely day! I don't want to beat around the bush so I'm going to get straight to the point. Last week I started my son with solids! I've always known that babies start solids at 6 months old, but his paediatrician advised that there is no clear evidence that starting solids at 4 months - for instance- could be detrimental to the child. In fact, she encouraged us to start him on solids early due to the fact that he has eczema and he has a higher chance of having allergies.

Needlesstosay, I was excited to see what faces he would make each time he tried something new. I was excited to know whether he'll be a fruit-loving child or a veggie-loving child or he simply won't be a picky eater at all! But, one step at a time right?

Therefore, I started him on oatmeal cereal. I would make a nice mushy paste of it mixed with boiled water and give it to him. I was very impressed at how he took it, quite honestly. I thought he would spit it out or become fussy but lo and behold, he loved it! And it wasn't even sweet!

What amazed me the most is how he knew from the get go how to chew(although I don't know what he was chewing! It's baby food for God sake! haha) and swallow! It is definitely an instinctive behaviour and I am amazed every day at little things that he learns how to do, from learning to hug my face to manoeuvring his pacifier from his hand to his mouth! It is definitely delightfully funny watching him struggle a few times, until he finally manages to stick that pacifier in there!

I'm still breastfeeding him and it's his main meal or snack throughout the day, but I do give him a few teaspoons of oatmeal cereal at least twice a day. Anyway, I will be updating you next week when I start him on Yams!! We have ticked off oatmeal cereal off the list and we'll be gradually experimenting with his taste buds!

Until next time,


Follow me on Youtube at ItsFiffysLife as I give tips on parenting! I do some crazy DIY's! I cook like a pro(well, the food tastes delicious and it looks kind of decent) and I create random videos!


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